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  • How often should I be coming in for Antenatal Care (ANC) services in Kenya?
    We recommend 8 antenatal care visits to maintain the best care, monitoring of well-being, and early handling of any complications during your pregnancy. A minimum of 4 is necessary for the health of you and your baby!
  • What will happen during the Antenatal Care (ANC) visits?
    8-13 weeks: pregnant: 1st ANC visit, Profile and dating ultrasound History taken – information about your current health and previous medical experiences as well as any medications you have been taking lately. Vitals and physical examination – Your weight, height, temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and physical examination will be measured and monitored during every clinic visit. Your midwife will take you through the danger signs and individual birth plan. New ANC laboratory tests: Blood test – blood will be analysed for full body count which checks on the presence of anaemia which is an indicator of rhesus disease, which can cause trouble to the unborn baby. HIV test – in case it turns positive counselling is offered and treatment begins. Urine is tested to ensure you do not have disorders like diabetes and pre-eclampsia. A urine test is done during every visit 20-24 weeks : 2nd ANC visit & Anatomy scan Vitals and physical examination - In addition, your Midwife will review your dating scan, and provide information about future ANCs. You will be reminded about nutrition, danger signs, plan for your OGTT and you will be given information about your second scan. Ultrasound Anatomy scan - helps to detect any abnormalities and checks the position of the placenta. It may be able to tell you the sex of the baby should you wish to know. Please note that this is not the purpose of the scan. A first tetanus injection will be administered. 24-28 weeks: 3rd ANC visit & OGTT Vitals and physical examination – In addition, review of your history and anatomy scan. Laboratory test - OGTT test - Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) tests for elevated blood sugar levels, which could indicate Gestational Diabetes. The results are reviewed by the Gynaecologist. The Gynaecologist will provide information about future ANCs, answer any questions of concern from you and will also ask you questions regarding the pregnancy. 28-32 weeks : 4th ANC visit, Hb and Anti-D Vitals and physical examination – Your midwife will provide information about antenatal classes, danger signs, signs of preterm labour, birth preparedness, individual birth plan and answer any questions of concern. At this point, your dietary is vital nutritional review will be recommended. Laboratory tests- HB - A blood test for haemoglobin levels. Anti-D - Anti-D is administered if your blood group is rhesus negative. 32-36 weeks : 5th ANC visit Vitals and physical examination You will be reminded about recognising early labour and when to call the hospital. Your second tetanus injection will be administered. 36-4o weeks : 6th ANC visit, Scan for presentation, advice on labour and delivery Vitals and physical examination -Your midwife will ask you how frequently your baby is moving and will provide information about signs of labour and danger signs. If required, your midwife will discuss postdate planning and scheduling of postdate induction of labour. You will be booked for a birth preparedness class to learn how to handle labour and delivery Ultrasound - Presentation Scan - A third ultrasound checks the position of your baby, and whether the baby is in a breech position. Laboratory tests HIV test 41· weeks: 7th ANC visit, Gynaecologist consultation & Induction of labour Vitals and physical examination - Your Gynaecologist will review the ultrasound, and advise if the baby is presenting well, or whether in a breech position. Your options for induction of labour will be discussed and if labour does not begin naturally by now, you will be booked in for around 10-14 days after your due date, to prevent postdate baby complications. Postnatal visits Postnatal visits are essential to establish the well-being of the baby and mother after delivery. Bladder/bowel function checked, depression screening and breastfeeding tips. You will also learn about family planning, cervical cancer screening and ensure that the baby receives important immunizations.
  • Do I need to come in for all of my ANC visits?
    Yes! It is important to visit an antenatal clinic in Kenya to monitor the growth of your baby and the health of your pregnancy. Earlier detection of problems or complications can help us ensure we are managing your pregnancy appropriately and help you have the healthiest delivery possible.
  • What should I eat during my pregnancy? What should I avoid?
    You should eat proteins (meats, beans, eggs, or ndengu), fruits, and vegetables You should avoid cigarette smoke, alcohol, and sugar to make sure your baby is not too big or too small You can talk with your midwife about any food or nutrition questions
  • I am a father. Is there anything I need to do during your Antenatal Care (ANC) services in Kenya?
    There are no mandatory tests for the father. However, there are many things you can do to support your partner and prepare for the delivery and even for antenatal care. Please accompany your partner to her ANC visits. During these visits you will learn: Different types of antenatal care services How to save money for the delivery How to make sure your partner and baby are safe during delivery How your baby is growing Whether she can have a normal delivery How to choose the best family planning option You should also make several important decisions with your partner during the ANC journey: Delivery location - By Month 4, you should decide where she is going to deliver. You can tour Jacaranda's facilities during your normal ANC visits Transport - By Month 4, you should decide where she is going to deliver. You can tour Jacaranda's facilities during your normal antenatal care services and visits Who will accompany her -By Month 5, it is important to decide who will accompany her to the hospital and support her during labour and delivery Delivery Preparation - By Month 7, you should pack the delivery day bag. A delivery day bag checklist can be found here
  • What happens in each week during pregnancy?
    As the pregnancy progresses, each week brings new developments for you and your baby. For detailed information, click here.

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Kahawa West Hospital:

Kamiti Road, Kiamumbi

Umoja Hospital

Wallet Business Centre, Kayole Spine Road

Ruaka Hospital

Limuru Road, next to TotalEnergies Rosslyn Service Station

Ngong Road Hospital

Between Greenhouse Mall & Quiver Restaurant

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