Congratulations on your eleventh week! You are doing amazing! The first trimester can be difficult to handle but at this time, there are only two weeks remaining until the second trimester arrives where things are a bit easier and pesky pregnancy hormones don’t cause annoying symptoms such as frequent urination, fatigue and more. Also, this is where most women get their “pregnancy glow”.
First, during this week, your baby begins to look like a real baby. During this time, it’s crucial to visit your doctor to see the progress. You can visit us at Jacaranda Maternity hospital to ensure you and your baby’s health is alright.
During your visit, your history will be taken, vitals and physical examination, new ANC laboratory tests, dating ultrasound (it’s the best way to confirm your date of delivery), nutrition supplements like folic and iron supplements will be given to boost your blood levels and prevent some congenital abnormalities to the baby. The midwife will take you through the danger signs and birth plan. Urine test is done during every visit. HIV test is also done, and in case turns positive, counselling is offered and treatment began.
At week 11, some women stop experiencing symptoms such as morning sickness but it is normal to feel nausea, bloating and food aversions.
What happens to your baby?
Your baby is 2 inches; it’s the size of a brussels sprout. At this time, your child’s organs are developing. Your baby’s head is still bigger than the body, the taste buds are also developing.
The baby’s mouth, nose, ears and eyes are taking shape. Its body is also becoming longer and straighter. The child’s reproductive organs are also beginning to take form and in a few weeks you’ll be able to determine its sex on ultrasound.
Unique symptoms during pregnancy week 11
1. Your baby bump is more visible since the baby is growing.
2. Your hair grows faster during this time as well.
3. Your nails will become stronger as well.
During this time, it’s best to continue eating a healthy diet, avoid alcohol, cigarettes and any drugs.
Before consuming a type of medicine, check in with your doctor to ensure it’s safe. Jacaranda Maternity offers nutrition counselling. Nutrition clinics are every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Kahawa West branch (Kamiti road, Kiamumbia, Chief's stage)
Tips and tricks to incorporate during pregnancy week 11
● Since you are glowing during this time, your hair and nails are healthier; enjoy it.
● Don’t forget to take your prenatal vitamins.
● If you want to get rid of body hair, you can shave or wax but avoid using permanent hair removers during this time.
● You can conduct simple exercises such as stretching, walking and swimming.